
Grading, an established factor in education systems, has developed a concern: grade inflation. It is known to have emerged about half a century ago; before the conceptualization of communication apprehension. Traced from the 1960s grades began to rise and a decade later acquired the name grade inflation.

The phenomenon is label for inaccurate grades, i.e. an A awarded for what is previously a B-level work. It is high grade for low achievement; a loose grading standard.

In my research I said, “grade inflation may produce…” Well, in this blog I say grade inflation produces irresponsible students.  I see it every single day. Students are losing their grip on accountability. Why, after all, would they strive when they are assured of good grades despite absenteeism or truancy among many other alibis?

Inflated grades are misleading to parents.  They are satisfied with their children’s achievement because they rely primarily on grades to determine how much their children are learning and according to the grades, their children are doing well.

The grade inflation phenomenon is in the works in my pond. The Ministry of University Affairs in Thailand has appointed a committee to investigate incorrect high school student grades submitted for college admission. Adoption of student ranking system was postponed as it was discovered that the grades submitted by schools did not reflect the true performance of their students.  Education officials suspected that teachers (and possibly in accordance with administrators) might have inflated their students’ grades to help them win places at the country’s top universities, and in the process, enhance the reputation of their high schools.

Do you have or have you noticed grade inflation in your country? How is it?

This post is linked with ABC Wednesday.